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Signs Your Child Is Highly Sensitive

March 31, 2024

Do you ever feel like your child experiences the world a bit differently than others? Perhaps they seem to be more attuned to emotions, or they're easily overwhelmed by certain situations. These could be signs that your child is highly sensitive. Highly sensitive children possess a unique set of traits that set them apart from their peers. Understanding these signs can help parents better support their sensitive children in navigating the world around them. Here are 15 signs that you may have a highly sensitive child:

  1. Intense Emotional Responses: Highly sensitive children often experience emotions deeply and intensely. They may have strong reactions to both positive and negative events, sometimes seeming overwhelmed by their feelings.
  2. Sensitivity to Sensory Stimuli: A highly sensitive child may be more sensitive to sensory input such as loud noises, bright lights, strong smells, or rough textures. They may become easily overwhelmed or distressed in environments with too much sensory stimulation.
  3. Empathy and Compassion: Highly sensitive children tend to be highly empathetic and compassionate towards others. They can easily pick up on the emotions of those around them and may feel deeply affected by the pain or suffering of others.
  4. Preferential Treatment for Quiet Environments: Highly sensitive children often prefer calm, quiet environments where they can feel safe and secure. They may become agitated or anxious in noisy or chaotic settings and may seek out quiet spaces to retreat to.
  5. Perfectionism: Many highly sensitive children have a strong desire for perfection. They may strive for excellence in everything they do and become upset or frustrated when they feel like they've fallen short of their own or others' expectations.
  6. Deep Thinkers: Highly sensitive children tend to be deep thinkers who ponder the world around them and reflect on their own thoughts and feelings. They may ask profound questions or express insights beyond their years.
  7. Sensitivity to Criticism: Highly sensitive children may be particularly sensitive to criticism or negative feedback. They may take constructive criticism personally and become deeply hurt or upset by even mild forms of disapproval or correction.
  8. Highly Aware of Others' Needs: Highly sensitive children are often highly attuned to the needs and feelings of those around them. They may go out of their way to accommodate others and may feel distressed by conflict or tension in their relationships.
  9. Creativity and Artistic Expression: Many highly sensitive children have a rich imagination and a strong appreciation for art, music, and literature. They may express themselves creatively through drawing, writing, or other forms of artistic expression.
  10. Need for Predictability and Routine: Highly sensitive children may thrive on predictability and routine. They may feel more secure and comfortable when they know what to expect and may become anxious or upset in unpredictable or chaotic situations.
  11. Strong Reaction to Change: Highly sensitive children may struggle with transitions and changes in routine. They may become upset or anxious when faced with new or unfamiliar situations and may need extra support and reassurance during times of change.
  12. Avoidance of Conflict: Highly sensitive children may be conflict-averse and may go to great lengths to avoid confrontation or disagreement. They may feel deeply uncomfortable with conflict and may become distressed by arguments or tension between others.
  13. Physical Symptoms of Stress: Some highly sensitive children may experience physical symptoms of stress, such as stomachaches, headaches, or fatigue. These symptoms may arise in response to overwhelming emotions or stressful situations.
  14. Strong Sense of Justice: Highly sensitive children often have a strong sense of fairness and justice. They may become upset or indignant in the face of perceived injustice or unfair treatment, and may be quick to speak up for themselves or others.
  15. Difficulty with Transitions: Highly sensitive children may struggle with transitions between activities or environments. They may need extra time and support to adjust to changes in routine or transitions between tasks.

Understanding and recognizing these signs can help parents better support their highly sensitive children. By creating a supportive and nurturing environment that respects their unique needs and traits, parents can help their children thrive and flourish. Keep reading for our BEST SELLING COURSE on How to Parent Your Highly Sensitive Child.

Do some of the mainstream parenting strategies not work for your child? Imagine feeling CONFIDENT in raising your Highly Sensitive Child.Imagine feeling EMPOWERED in the toughest of situations. Two Registered Psychologists with clinical training and practical experience from being moms to highly sensitive kids in YOUR back pocket. We know you are overwhelmed with the "parenting hacks" out there that just miss the mark and don't work for your child.We are here to give you the tools you need to parent your highly sensitive child successfully.

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